Question 42: Catalan Numbers
Catalan Number Dynamic programming Catalan Number are a sequence of a natural number that occur in many problem like following: 1. Count the number …
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
Catalan Number Dynamic programming Catalan Number are a sequence of a natural number that occur in many problem like following: 1. Count the number …
Dynamic programming Question 1 : Nth Fibonacci Number Input: The first line of input contains T denoting the number of testcases.Then each of the T l…
You're given the pointer to the head node of a sorted linked list, where the data in the nodes is in ascending order. Delete as few nodes as poss…
Merge two sorted linked lists Input Format The first line contains an integer , denoting the number of test cases. The format for each …
Input format The first line contains an integer , denoting the number of elements in the first linked list. The next lines contain an integer eac…